Present day.
In the autumn of 2015 the group installed a new Yaesu repeater on site to replace an old repeater that was starting to show its age. The new "box" improved the receive sensitivity and audio throughput.
In October 2016 we installed a new repeater controller that took over from the internal Yaesu controller.This then made the repeater behave as a conventional repeater should with courtesy tones and a hang time. WR was run as a dual mode repeater for about a year whilst we tried to get an NOV for a separate digital slot on 70 cm's. Just before we got the digital NOV we purchased another analogue repeater made by Simoco with the intention of running it as the primary repeater for WR.
The Simoco was installed in July 2017, the NOV for the Fusion only 70 cm's repeater came though in September 2017 and we promptly put GB7PM on the air as a standalone entity. Three weeks after getting 7PM on the air we got a gateway set up to provide a connection to the wires X system.
To have a look at the equipment that is up on site go to our about page.
We are in the process of getting together as much information as possible to create the history page for GB3WR.
If you have any information that you think could be useful please contact the group.
In October 2016 we installed a new repeater controller that took over from the internal Yaesu controller.This then made the repeater behave as a conventional repeater should with courtesy tones and a hang time. WR was run as a dual mode repeater for about a year whilst we tried to get an NOV for a separate digital slot on 70 cm's. Just before we got the digital NOV we purchased another analogue repeater made by Simoco with the intention of running it as the primary repeater for WR.
The Simoco was installed in July 2017, the NOV for the Fusion only 70 cm's repeater came though in September 2017 and we promptly put GB7PM on the air as a standalone entity. Three weeks after getting 7PM on the air we got a gateway set up to provide a connection to the wires X system.
To have a look at the equipment that is up on site go to our about page.
We are in the process of getting together as much information as possible to create the history page for GB3WR.
If you have any information that you think could be useful please contact the group.